Childfree Reflections

With Marcia Drut-Davis
June 12th, 2013 by Marcia Davis

The Soft Cover Edition of My Memoir is on Sale

It took me years to “birth” my memoir. It’s finally available in a soft covered printed format in the US and Europe.  You can benefit from the legacy I’ve created by using the wisdom peppered throughout the book.  You’ll read when and how I knew parenting wasn’t for me,  what happened after exposing that choice on “60 Minutes”, facing menopause when choice was taken away,  being a stepparent and finally, answering the burning question, “Do you have regrets?”.

In my book you’ll find what it was like to be childfree  in the 70’s, what it felt like to be an “other” or shunned by family, friends and media exposure, as well as the occasional emotional roller coaster of self doubt.  You’ll also find valuable lessons on living the childfree lifestyle.  You’ll learn that it was a different time in the world and that the words “childfree” and “pronatalism” were just coming into existence. I suspect those words are still unknown and not accepted by many. Sadly, many childfree-by-choice people will still meet with disapproval or labeled as “selfish” today.

The road we take as childfree men and women may have challenges as any personal lifestyle choice. Childfreedom can be potentially fulfilling and rewarding.  I hope my memoir can be a useful tool to help you create your own childfree legacy to share with pride and dignity.

If you would like to purchase my memoir at the sale price, then please use this link: .

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