Childfree Reflections

With Marcia Drut-Davis
June 23rd, 2018

Cruising With Childfree People!

Vacations are times most people hunger for. It’s potentially our time to enjoy life without the usual stresses, relax, maybe meet new people and have fun. As childfree people, many of us can afford to take vacations. (Although I know many can’t due to unemployment, caring for sick relatives, pets or facing personal health challenges.) For those who can afford vacations, some prefer the joys of constantly exciting experiences such as going to a Dude Ranch, hiking tours or travel to other countries. However, others simply want to veg out.

Now, I’ve found a new passion for my vacations. Cruising offers a bit of everything anyone could enjoy. You can have the fun/excitement of the tours in ports or indulge in the many activities on-board. Some ships offer free drinks for those who enjoy that. You can sit in a hot tub on deck, swim or read that book you haven’t had a chance to enjoy. However, cruising with childfree people is even more enjoyable. Being with like-minded friends is refreshing. That’s why I started NOKID Group Cruising three years ago.

It started when one of my followers from a Facebook support site I’m administrator of… vented about traveling and facing couples that either travel with kids or constantly talk about the kids they left home. She wrote, “I want to be with people who aren’t fixated on their kids or asking why I don’t want to parent! I get that all the time at home!”

I decided to get as much info as I could about cruising with the goal of having groups of childfree traveling together. The first trip was a cruise to Jamaica, The Cayman Island and Cozumel. My guest speaker was the inspiring author: Laura Scott, “Two is Enough!” Laura wowed us with her gentle ways of illuminating the joys and challenges of the Childfree lifestyle.

We met as a group at our first dinner on-board with 16 people. It was the start of sheer happiness for this cruising group. When one of the guests said, “Well, I guess I can’t ask how many kids do YOU have?” we all convulsed in laughter. It felt good. The rest of the trip, we allowed for individual preferences. Some wanted spa treatments. Others wanted to swim, sit in hot tubs, read those novels they didn’t have time to read at home, sun bathe or sleep on the days at sea. In ports, we went on shore excursions. Some banded together to be assured of not having kids with us. (I found a private tour group that only requested 12 to have our own van!) Of course, those who chose to swim with dolphins had a few kids from the ship with them but it didn’t seem to matter. Back on ship, we were there for each other.

Friendships were made. Some dined together. Others met at bars or joined the ship activities of free dance lessons, bingo or Karaoke. At night, we went to the theater as a group where we got in first because I arranged that for our group. After that, some went to the casino, danced on the top deck to the pulsating sounds of dance music or had a late night snack or drink together. Many heart connections are still felt years later!

So, I’m doing it again. This time, it’s the newest Norwegian ship, THE BLISS. I have Blair LaRae from Respectfully Childfree to share her success in how she formed an active group in Texas. She’s the youth. I’m the older one. (LOL)

I started planning for this cruise last year. The pricing I got is not the pricing you find today. Truth be told, it’s higher. Although I repeatedly made attempts to reach people months ago, many didn’t take the opportunity to get lower prices. Now, this ship is here with rave reviews. I still have cabins…. but limited. They even have solo traveling cabins available but they may be limited too. Never–the- less, I’m still sharing this with you with the hope of finding a few more childfree people who want to be with us.I also got everyone FREE unlimited drinks and 4 specialty dining meals with those gratuities included.

I’m also working on a gala childfree large group to CUBA in 2020. If you want to get on the list once I know that itinerary is available, email me now at: I personally answer all inquiries.

For those screaming, “The Bliss” is not entirely childfree…you’re correct. However, I chose December 8-15th. It’s too close to the holidays for parents to take their children out of schools! The CUBA cruise is a smaller ship of only 1900 people. If we share on all the CF sites, we could take it over. If not, it’s not an itinerary parents take their children! No dolphins to swim with! (LOL)

I look forward to welcoming you on board as your host whenever you can. It’s my joy and passion to connect hearts in friendship. This is the most often cry and need I hear from childfree people. Cruising as a childfree group may be the answer.


Marcia Drut-Davis woman

PS: I noticed some words underlined in blue! They lead you elsewhere and I can’t seem to stop it!Just read past and let me know if you know how I can avoid this.

December 30th, 2017

For My Son/Daughter Friends, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I know what you’re thinking,”What? She’s a pioneer in the childfree lifestyle? I thought she never wanted to have or raise kids”. You bet that’s right. Not one regret over living my childfree lifestyle. However, along this path I call “life”, I met some special children who came into my heart and stayed there. Here are their stories of what I call my son-daughter friends:

Denard Tyson: He was one of the first children I ever taught back in 1965! Recently, I found him on the Internet. He was flabbergasted that I remembered him. I couldn’t forget him. He drove me crazy! But I knew he one of those kids I had to reach! I always wondered what happened to him. He’s a retired conductor of the NYC subway system, father and grandfather. I was so relieved and delighted to know he’s had success and happiness along his life’s path.  Now, we’re still connected! Love you my little first grader!

Susan Coatney: I taught Susan in 1970 in a sleepy little town called, Fraser Michigan. Her infectious laughter, joy of living and delight in being in my second grade class as her teacher was felt. I know! I”m not supposed to have special students. However, she landed smack-dab in the middle of my heart and, as all the others you’re going to hear about, and stayed there. I never raised her or them. I never walked the floors as her parents did when she or the others I’m talking about were sick. I never went through the challenges of any of them becoming a teenager, or making poor choices in their lives. However, I’ve delighted in staying heart connected and seeing her and many of the others now as a mother and grandmother. I love you,Susan.

Lan Houng Nguwin She was my first forever ESL student from Woodland Middle school in East Meadow, New York, 1990. Her story of being placed on a boat with strangers and waving good by to her mother made my heart cry. Her mother who must have faced such sadness  knowing it was the best choice to make to get her our of Vietnam. For Houng, who lived for two years in the Philippines, alone, at the tender age 0f 12, her story and her triumphs have never ceased to amaze and warm my heart. Now, I see her as a dedicated mother of two children and wife of Phoung. Every time she calls me, I feel like doing a happy dance. I love you, Houng.

Jeilyn and Augustine Alvarado, brother and sister whom I taught ESL from 1993-1995. First I met Augustine. He was such a challenging young pre-teen. His mischievousness drove his teachers crazy. We bonded and I never had an issue with him. I thought then, and still feel, he was on of the brightest kids with some definite “baggage” he faced then and now. This year, I think he’s on the path to re-claiming his life with joy, great goals and success. He’s now 36. His sister Jeilyn and I are also close. I marvel at her, her choosing to become a mom, her honesty about that lifestyle with me and seeing her step up to the plate for her daughter and her husband. I love you  both so much!

Anna and Annie Chan: Another pair of sisters I had the honor of teaching English as a second language. I’ll never forget when we were experiencing the words “sad and sadness” they confessed they left another pair of twins on the streets of China. Their tears broke all our hearts and showed us how awful this was for them and their parents. They delighted me and their friends when they both wanted to be Chinese pop singers. They sang in the school talent show and wowed their friends and me! Now, they are both mothers and wives. Annie is also a real-estate agent. Jim and I had the pleasure of helping them all through their lives, even when they went to college. I love both of them.

Naznee Khan: I don’t know what brought us together. Maybe it was love at first sight? She was a fearful young girl from India. Our hearts connected and have never separated. She became an RN! She never forgot our class mantra of, “Never Stop Trying”. She’s now married to the love of her life and calls us almost every day.  Jim had the honor of escorting her down the aisle when she married a year ago. She and her husband are very much loved.

Johanna Gutierez: I met this young woman in a meetup for women. When I heard she spoke fluent Spanish, I immediately  bonded to her knowing I volunteered in a Hispanic community where I taught English. I needed help. She said she would love to help! That started a relationship we’re still enjoying. It went beyond her helping me. It went to heart connections that feel good. We see her a lot, speak and text every week and feel heart connected forever. She’s a joy to our life and a supporter of the childfree lifestyle.

None of these fabulous people I birthed or raised. All come to me from different needs or wants. One had to leave her country and mother for a better life. One was shunned by her family for making choices they didn’t agree with. One had an estranged relationship with her mother. One was taken out of an abusive home and placed in foster care. All needed me and I felt honored to be there for them. It’s not the same as raising a child! And, for me and my husband, it’s been a delightful experience.

I’m NOT saying those of you who can’t stand children or having them in their lives should feel guilty. Not at all. These relationships worked for us. It may not be a good for you. I’m not saying if I never knew them I would be yearning to have them in my life. It was and still is a good fit for me and now, my husband whose own daughters divorced us. (That’s fully revealed  in my book, “Confessions of a Childfree Woman”.)

So, on this last day of 2017, I share this story. It’s to inspire those of you who fear not having “children” in your life will make you have regrets when it’s too late.  I ask you to reach out, if that’s your concern. Find many magnificent younger people in need of support, guidance and nurturing. Check out being a mentor, Big Brothers/Sisters, Boys and Girls Clubs or many organizations in support of kids needing adult relationships.  For those of you who have no need for this, enjoy the beauty of your childfree lifestyle.

Happy New Year!

Marcia Drut-Davis








November 16th, 2017


I recently posted a poll asking how group members felt about the use of words such as crotch droppings, demon spawn, breeders, moos, mombies, etc. Overwhelmingly, the responses reflected that the group, at large, approved of or were not bothered by these words.

We have many childfree by choice who come here to feel acknowledged, supported and free to share their thoughts, feelings, and confessions. Many are rightfully fed up and angry at how they’ve been portrayed as “selfish”, “hedonistic”, or “doomed to regret their narcissistic choice”. Many are looking for a safe place to express their frustrations about a society that often isn’t kind to those who go against the status quo.

When I first “came out” as CF on “60 Minutes”, I felt anger at the response. I felt overwhelmed by what happened to me. Picket signs reading “GODLESS BITCH” directed at me made my skin crawl. Losing a beloved teaching job made me vomit with rage!

On the flip side, I’ve received some heartfelt personal PMs about the words and insults coming from our CF Internet family. We have some here that are childfree by fate. Many have now seen the light and have chosen to be childfree by choice but some are still working through the pain and confusion of not attaining the life they thought they were supposed to have.

Don’t we wish parents and the childless thought first before using hurtful words and attitudes towards us? Should we think first before using insulting language towards them? Is it helping our image and cause in the public eye? We are loving, beautiful, diverse people living a wonderful lifestyle that’s right for us. Take a moment to think about why we may have the inclination to use names such as “breeders”, “moos”, “crotch droppings”, “demon spawn”, etc.

Remember the positives of the CF lifestyle. Share the joys of not raising children. Share the anguish aimed at you from ignorant friends, family, and co-workers. Share articles and experiences that enlighten us.

We’re an Internet family of supportive childfree people. As in any accepting family, we want to be here for as many as we can. At least that’s what I hope to give to you here. The more we can show others what an awesome lifestyle we live, the better for all of us.

I ask you all to read and take to heart what I’m saying. If there are certain words or other content that truly bother you, please simply scroll past. I recognize this may not feel good for some of you. Although I feel sad if we lose anyone, I support your choice to find groups and pages that are right for you.

In conclusion, you are free to be yourselves on this closed site. I urge you, in public, or open Facebook sites, to be more careful of what you say and why you say it.

I love all of you.
Marcia Drut-Davis

September 30th, 2017

Childfree-by-Choice People VS.Trolls.

I’ve known the ignorant hate against the childfree by choice population. I met it face to face after being interviewed on “60 Minutes” in 1974. Hearing Mike Wallace mention “perverse” at the end of the airing led to my losing a job as a dedicated, loving teacher. I suffered death treats to me and my dog. I had to go past picket lines when I spoke. (My then husband faced no ridicule at all!)

The Internet didn’t exist then. Now it does. Enter the trolls!

Without any doubt, there are many people on the Internet who want to stop childfree by choice people from daring to share that choice. Some are part of very strict religious groups who feel it’s our human duty to ,”Go Forth and Multiply”. Some are people who feel they’re being attacked for their parenting choice and resent it. Some, because they may feel jealousy when we share the joys of not having the responsibilities of parenting. I have no issue with how they choose to feel. However, when they get on childfree sites and only want to hurt, condemn malign or threaten the childfree population, I take a stand against them.

I’ve faced this within the childfree movement itself!  There are very strict childfree people who feel you must adhere to the word “free” literally in everything you do. If you dare to claim being a stepparent, you’re not “free” of kids and therefore can’t claim to be childfree by choice. Most stepparents know they don’t raise kids! (There may be a few who do if the ex-wife or biological parent dies.) There’s another group of stepparents who may see stepchildren every now and then. At best, they attempt friendship with their step-kids. They do not raise those children. The Internet trolls feel angry and often try to get on sites where they know there are stepparents and taunt them, malign them and insult them.

If you have a pet, and use the word, “Furmom or Furdad, some childfree by choice feel you’re not childfree by choice. They’ve made their own Facebook support site where childfree by choice , pet hating people can go. I have no objection to that. however, when they purposefully go to the sites in support of childfree who rescue animals, and taunt, threaten or condemn them for a personal choice, I take a stand against this.

At a time when we should be coming together, helping and validating anyone who embraces the childfree lifestyle, I see divisiveness and anger rampant all over the Internet. These trolls are out to make people think their choices , if different from themselves, aren’t as worthy or valid. It’s a microcosm of the ranting, raving of trolls against political opponents, religious diversity (or non-religious support) or anything different than what they feel is the “right” choice or thinking.

To the parents or anyone who actually go on to the childfree by choice sites with one aim which is to take snapshots of posts, post to their own personal sites and get support, I have no words. I’m sorry you’re so brainwashed to believe anyone who doesn’t choose parenting is lower than the snails at the bottom of the ocean. You simply don’t know how many wonderful people are out their taking care of your kids with joy! You don’t know how many may be gifts to this planet in other altruistic ways.

Choosing the childfree by choice lifestyle, or changing from childless to childfree is a wonderful lifestyle option. There never should be anyone trying to stop them or feel they aren’t worthy of admiration. Me and my admin assistants will do what we can to stop this from happening on my sites. woman’mastepparent jobs


August 28th, 2017

“Childfree”? What’s in a NAME?


I fought many battles over the title of “childfree” by choice name.  After appearing on “60 Minutes” in 1974, I heard words like, “perverse” from the late Mike Wallace. It was my first lesson on the ignorance and ravages of pronatalism. After more TV interviews, newspaper articles and speaking engagements, I lost my job and faced death threats. Once, when speaking, I was escorted past picketing lines with signs reading, “Godless Bitch!” People I thought were friends backed off any heart connections. (The lesson is they were not true friends.)

It’s now 43 years later. I’m almost 75. I still face ravages against me from within the childfree movement. There’s a group who feel I’m a sham, disgrace and phony. Some even suggest my lifetime achievement award from the committee for International Childfree Day be taken back. Some accuse me of making money off the people I reach to support, educate and honor in their lifestyle choice. Selling my book, “Confessions of a Childfree Woman”, hosting nokid group cruises and being a keynote speaker at the up-coming NOTMOMSUMMIT in Ohio this October 2017, makes me look, in their eyes, as if I’m making a large income off the childfree by choice. I’m not! My rewards are in the letters I get, the outpouring of people all over this world and the inner peace in knowing lives are being changed, as they understand what “childfree” means. It also affects those faced with infertility. There’s a big difference with childfree vs childless.

The haters argument is I once tried my hand in being a stepmother. In their opinions, I can never say I’m childfree. They shriek that any stepparent can’t be considered ”childfree by choice”. I get it. They have the right to choose that definition. I, and many others, disagree. I attempted to be a friend to my husband’s two daughters. I never wanted to be their mother. They had one. In my first book, I tell the whole, sad but truthful story.

They took out of context when I wrote about the ephemeral moments I questioned my childfree choice. (Many have these on again, off again feelings. Many don’t.) However, they made it look as if I really wanted to have a child. By omitting the answers to when I questioned, I was perceived by those who never read the entire book as a joke.

I’ve led the right to choose the childfree lifestyle with passion, grace and dignity. I’ll continue to write, speak, blog and use my Facebook sites to reach the hearts against people whether stepparents, aunts, uncles, caregivers or volunteers to many children in need. I will defend those who can’t stand being with children. However, hurting them is unconscionable.

You who read this blog, buy my books, visit my Facebook sites, ( come with me on nokid cruises, personally write to me and come to hear me speak are my oxygen. In my second, about to be “birthed” book, I talk at length about this challenge I’ve faced. To the ones hating me, I feel sadness. They truly don’t understand who I am, what I am and what I stand for. To my dying day, I will defend this awesome lifestyle even to those who revile me.

January 3rd, 2017


Why a Group Cruise?
Here are some of the reasons:
Reduced Fares and a Tremendous Value
Cruises are virtually all-inclusive vacations. One price includes all accommodations, meals, many activities on board the ship, and entertainment. By traveling as a group, we’ll qualify for special group discounts and rates.
Hassle-Free Vacation
With a Group Cruise, you unpack once and let the ship’s crew do the rest.
Multi-Interest Floating Resorts
Our cruise ship offer something for everyone regardless of their interests or personality. There’s plenty to keep every member of the group entertained.
Accommodations for Any Budget
We still have a number of different types of staterooms for any budget including: inside cabins, suites, balcony staterooms, and ocean view staterooms.

We also have “The Haven” with a private butler, restaurant, spa privileges and awesome additional amenities!
Group Dining
There’s maximum flexibility available for group dining on our cruise ship. Our group can elect to dine together or choose independent dining options.
Award Winning Entertainment
Our cruise ship offers first-rate award winning Broadway and Las Vegas-style musical revues; comedians; magic shows; piano bars; high energy discos; and live music to keep us entertained from sun down to sun up. The casino is also fun. You can use your on board credit there!
Fun & Getting to Know Each Other
A Group Cruise gives us a chance to share a common experience, which is choosing the childfree lifestyle and never hearing, “So? How many kids do you have? Our group activities like our private dinners first and last nights at sea, late night fun, and festivities will help us get to know one another.
High Satisfaction Vacations
Cruises have the highest guest satisfaction rating in the entire travel industry. Cruise Line studies show that groups that travel together on a cruise will return again as a group within two years of their first trip. We’ll be doing this on our Get-A-Way NCL cruise along the Mexican Coast, December 3-10th, 2017! Our special group pricing and amenities ends soon. Will you be with us?


Love you all,
Marcia Drut-Davis