Recently, on my facebook book site ( , I asked the above question. Here’s one reply that got to me:
“Not having kids allows me to be more generous with my money. Instead of having to feed an offspring, I often donate to nursing homes, single moms, missionary groups, and the humane society. That kind of financial generosity would not be possible from me if I had to feed, clothe, and support a child of my own”.
For myself, after being black-listed from teaching from my 60 Minutes exposure where I announced I never wanted kids, my pension lost money I would have had if I taught straight through to retirement. My husband and I aren’t poor… but far from wealthy. The antiquated notion that not having children allows us to be filthy rich is just that, antiquated and ignorant. Sure some have more. But, as this wonderful follower shared, she gives of it to many worthwhile charities. People may not know that and list her as a selfish or irresponsible person just because she’s childfree.
So dear followers, I will open this blog post to your comments. It’s you who must be heard and not always me. You’re the heart of this important movement. The more we share, the more we learn, educate and can touch others.
Does not having children make you a wealthy person or couple? I look forward to your heartfelt comments.