Childfree Reflections

With Marcia Drut-Davis
May 26th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

Today Show/Are societal roles defined by gender?

This morning, The Today Show featured a couple who are not telling anyone the gender of their newly born infant. (They have two other sons.) They want to allow this child to become what makes that child happy , content and comfortable.

It raises an interesting question: Are societal roles, such as wanting to become a mother …….defined by how children are raised? If this child has the choice of playing with dolls or trucks, choosing the colors pink or blue , wearing their hair long or short and choosing whatever clothes they want be it a dress or pants, can it make a difference? I will be interested in following this story.

So far, there is outrage towards the parents of this child.What’s your opinion? Did you feel pressured to think your biological destiny was to have and raise a child? How?

May 17th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

Older Women Regretting Not Having Children?

As a childfree woman, the one admonition I repeatedly faced was, “One day…you’ll regret choosing not to have children”. I have to admit, this pronatalistic warning disturbed me as I aged. I kept asking myself if I did miss having children. I confess there were times I felt a void. They were always during those sweet ephemeral moments of pride: Bar and Mat Mitsvahs,, weddings and school achievements of friend’s children. I  wanted it! However, I stopped and realized these events had a before and an after. What were the gut wrenching trials and tribulations leading up to these sweet moments? How many parents suffer during those times? What happened after those moments of pride? What were the financial and emotional tolls people never share?

I would love to hear from “older” people who have never had children. (Over 60) Do you regret that choice? Why? Or, why not?

May 10th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

Should the childfree be taxed for education of children?

There’s a recent discussion as to whether or not people choosing a childfree lifestyle should be taxed for the education of other people’s children. I think back to living on Long Island. I had no children. The family across the street from me had 8. We both paid the same amount in taxes. Is that fair?

I’ve also heard an opinion there should be an exemption for those choosing not to procreate. Your thoughts?


April 19th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

Are we being pressured into choosing parenting?

Ellen Peck’s infamous 1974 book “The baby Trap” was the first time I ever heard of the word “pronatalism”. Once I read the definition and began to see how social expectations, media, the arts, and religion suggest normalcy as becoming a parent, I went on a hunt to find proof pronatalism existed. I found, and still find, ads in magazines and TV selling their products with children depicted.That product may have nothing to do with children but there they are! I’ve heard songs echo great love, joy and  fulfillment about having children. Only recently did a song speak of abuse (Crystal Bowersox, “Farmer’s Daughter”) or parents needing a drink raising teenage daughters. (Martina Mcbride, “Teenage Daughters”) Weddings are seen as the start of a family of more than two when people don’t even know if the couple want,  should have or can have children!

Are you aware of pronatalism? I invite you to watch your TV ads. What is the product or service being “sold”? Is it directly related to children or are children in that ad used to suggest it’s the goal of every person on this planet? Are the children all pretty, sweet, adoring? What’s being sold other than the product?What pressures have you felt through pronatalism?

In m book, “Confessions of a Childless Woman”, I share how my life was threatened and how I lost my beloved career of teaching for 16 years as a result of pronatalism.

April 15th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

If you are a parent, do you expect grandchildren?

Many times I’ve heard parents say if their children didn’t have children, they would be devastated. It’s considered, by many, as the icing on the cake of parenting. They’ve given so many years, time and money to raise their own. It’s almost an expected pay-back  because they want to have the status of being a grandparent , enjoying the fun of grandchildren and feel acceptance from their peers.

Are you a grandparent or do you expect to become a grandparent? How would you feel if your child told you they can’t have or don’t want to have children of their own?

If you have grandchildren, have they been a blessing or are you disappointed? In my book, “Confessions of a Childless Woman” I share deeply shocking reality as it relates to my husband’s children and grandchildren.


April 5th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

Parental Instincts?

Many times during my life, I’ve wondered about why I never had any great desire to bear and mother my own child. Often, I felt there was something wrong with me. Why didn’t I have the so-called maternal instinct? I started questioning whether or not it was a real phenomenon. To me, an instinct is something you can’t change like blinking the eyes or protecting yourself from danger.

Now I ask is there any maternal instinct or is this something created by society to fit a pronatalistic society? If it’s real, why is there so much child abuse? If it’s real, why do so many women choose not to have children? Are they lacking an “instinct”?

I believe we are made to perpetuate humankind. However, if that choice is made, I would hope there is sufficient understanding regarding whether or not anyone is parent material or prepared to take on that awesome role. What do you think?



April 2nd, 2011 by Marcia Davis

Parenting Education

As a retired middle school teacher, I watched as my students ran around their school carrying little baskets with hard boiled eggs in them. The girls always added little blankets and bows on the top of their eggs. (One boy left his basket in his locker where that egg rotted!) The students were told this would teach them about the responsibilities in parenting…hoping to show them some realities and stop the rate of teen-age pregnancies. If the egg fell, it was “egg abuse”. If they didn’t want to watch their egg, they had to get someone to sign a paper saying they had egg-sat. Do you feel the schools are teaching enough about what the job of parenting entails? Do you feel it’s the schools job?

April 1st, 2011 by Marcia Davis


Infertility is an agonizing physical, financial and emotional challenge. I’ve known many women and men who will go to extremes to become pregnant. Sometimes, the woman’s health is even placed in jeopardy to risk a successful pregnancy. The cost can be staggering. The emotional toll can be devastating every time failure is experienced.

Do you think infertile people are affected by society’s expectations for normal people to want to raise children of their own? Do you think people are branded as “barren”? Do you think people are aware of the childfree lifestyle as being a viable choice?

March 28th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

To parent or not to parent, that is the question.

Choosing to become a parent naturally, though in-vitro , step parenting, adoption, surrogacy or foster care, is an awesome responsibility. It’s also a choice marred through society’s pronatal expectations.  No matter how many people say, “It’s now acceptable not to have children!”, there’s still an underlying feeling of suspicion towards the childfree. They are secretly thought of as immature, hedonistic or selfish.

Why did you choose to have or not have children? Or, have you faced the agony of infertility?

My memoir, “Confession of a Childless Woman” traces a lifestyle of living without raising children of my own. Unlike other books, this memoir shares the pushing and pulling throughout my life questioning whether I made the right choice. People may argue that was my maternal instinct. I disagree, firmly believing it was the effects of pronatalism.

The first few chapter shares how and why I chose not to parent. There are other chapters about my life-changing experience being on “60 Minutes”, pronatalism, the men in my life, menopause and step-parenting.

There are several topics: sharing feelings about the choice to parent, parenting education, the sensitive challenge of infertility , grandparenting, pronatalism , the Dugger family, Father’s & Mother’s Day, Parenting topics in the News, taxation and whether or not there’s any parental instinct. Feel free to answer any or all of these topics. See the other topics under, “Recent Posts” and click on them.

I will answer any questions you have and welcome all your responses whether positive or negative. As soon as my book is published, I will post that exciting news.