Childfree Reflections

With Marcia Drut-Davis
December 19th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

The Dugger’s Loss of Their 20th Child

I would never say anything bad to an extremely religious couple who have lost a human life. No point in doing that. However, to post photos of the fetus’s hand touching Michele’s hand and the little feet of the dead fetus, is, in my opinion, horrific and dangerous pronatalism.  It’s the same thing I feel driving by abortion clinics with photos of dead, mangled bodies. (By the way, how are they even able to photograph those pictures?)

I would urge the Duggers to certainly do what they must do for their personal grief on the loss of number 20. Please remember how many people are offended and unnecessarily made to feel guilt if they have chosen abortion or lost a child of their own.

Grief is personal. Please be careful in how that’s shared.


November 13th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

Is not choosing to have or raise children seen as a viable choice today?

I often hear people telling me that today it’s not a big deal to choose a childfree lifestyle. I’ve heard it’s an accepted choice amongst most families once anyone states they don’t want children. Nobody gets pushed into feeling they’re making a bad choice they will regret later. Really?  I wonder if that’s true!

Yes. More people are opting to remain childfree than in my day back in the 70’s. However, things have dramatically chånged. Although women may delay childbearing, they now feel they can raise children alone. There’s no need for any man. Indeed, all they require is his sperm which they can get from a sperm donor bank. Single parenting is also glorified by movie stars such as Sandra Bullock who adopted a child from another race. (Do not misunderstand me. I’m happy any child gets placed into a loving, capable persons care!)

I don’t think anyone would lose their job as a teacher if they were interviewed on “60 Minutes” sharing they don’t choose to parent today…. as I suffered back in 1974. I certainly hope they wouldn’t!   However, pronatalism still exists. Every time I’ve gone to any bridal shower, that baby gift is always there whether or not they know if raising children has been accepted. Every time I’ve been to a wedding, questions start about family planning from excited friends and would-be grandparents.

What do you think? Today, is the childfree lifestyle accepted with the same respect, excitement and encouragement as having children? I would love hearing from you!

October 24th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

Re: Hearing, “We are pregnant”.

I’ve always wondered why people say, “We are pregnant”. It’s the woman who is pregnant, isn’t it? Even when it’s a lesbian couple, one has the fetus growing inside her, not the other. I’ve always snickered at the thought but let it go. If  any couple find that one of them is pregnant, the other also shares so much during that time: dealing with issues of weight gain, morning sickness, hemorrhoids, mood swings from hormonal changes, varicose veins and other common pregnancy experiences can be a daunting task for both people. But, this week, I got it! My husband was diagnosed with early staged prostate cancer. I now hear myself saying, “We have cancer”.  As in pregnancy, when one person faces any health challenges, the other is involved. Unlike pregnancy, people respond happily when they hear, “We are pregnant” but I find people looking at me as if I have three heads when I say, “We have cancer”. I wonder why?

August 29th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

AARP Magazine: “When Your Kids, Don’t Have Kids” Sept/Oct Issue

Here we go again! First the title. Come on AARP. Not everyone who reads your magazine has children. Your title assumes that your readers are all parents. I read through 5 pages of how to overcome the tragedy of not having grandkids. Not one message about statistics showing how many grandparents are miserable or let down with stark realities of grandchildren. How many never receive a phone call, email or card on their birthdays? How many have to dip into their own retirement accounts to bail out grandchildren making poor choices?

Who out there has the chutzpah to honestly share those unhappy gut-wrenching stories? That would take courage, wouldn’t it. …when everyone thinks having grandchildren is the icing on the cake of parenting.

August 7th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

The New Breast Feeding Baby Doll

You just read that title right. This AM on “The Today Show”, there was an animated discussion about whether or not this new toy was a blessing or a mistake. A poll revealed that 76% were against this doll. However, the displeasure appeared to be the age old argument about breast feeding as a natural part of life!

I was shocked that not one word was mentioned about how pronatalistic it is to insist on giving a little girl a doll in the first place. Now, they have a doll that when placed over a fitted bib, can imitate  a sucking movement with a gurgling sound at a little girls breast! Doesn’t anyone see how dangerous this is? It’s not about breast feeding vs bottle feeding. In my opinion, it’s telling  little girls mothering is in their future. It should be that a doll is just a toy and that mothering is a choice they can make when they are older!

I was thrilled when parents started giving boys dolls. How could they use this one?

August 2nd, 2011 by Marcia Davis

Is having and raising pets equal to having children?
Listen to this sound bite from a recent interview with Laura Scott about this subject. What’s your opinion?

July 31st, 2011 by Marcia Davis

August 1, Non-Parents Day

  1. Over 30 years ago, the National Organization for Non-Parents (which became National Alliance for Optional Parenthood, or NAOP) ), deemed August 1 Non-Parents Day. Please read the first blog post on my friend’s Laura Carroll’s blog. Then, send letters to “60 Minutes” asking for a re-visit to the 1974 story. Mike Wallace ended that story with,”Pardon our perverseness for showing this on Mother’s Day.”

July 5th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

Casey Anthony Trial: Is there justice for Caylee?

The Casey Anthony trial in America is now over. Casey was accused of murdering her child Caylee. The jury’s verdict was “not guilty!” Obviously, the jury felt there was reasonable doubt of her guilt because the State failed to prove it was her fault. But, society is screaming the words, “she’s guilty!”

During the 31 days when Casey’s daughter was missing, people saw photos of her in clubs, dancing and seeming to be having fun. She never called 911. She never told her parents her child was missing. She finally lied saying it was a nanny who stole her.

How could any sane mother do that? It’s against the myth of mom and apple pie.

Does anyone see something here not already shared? In my opinion, Casey Anthony was not parent material. Her parents forced her to have her baby. The harsh reality of raising a child was shocking. Day by day, it became more and more of a challenge . When Caylee was a baby, it was easier because babies sleep a lot. As Cayleee started to walk, then talk, then react, Casey was too immature to handle it. She wasn’t prepared or ready for the task. She didn’t want her mom to feel she was not doing a good job. The sad reality resulted in the death of that sweet little girl.

The media frenzy against Casey was frightening to me. If it was another time, she would have been hung or burned at the stake.Now I fear someone will take justice into their own hands and kill Casey.

People want justice for Caylee. I do too. I beg schools to teach what it really means to have, then raise a child. I beg parents to share the realities with their children about having and raising a child. Then, when they reach the age of puberty, they’ll know the importance of using protection or abstaining from sex!

The best justice for Caylee is preventing another tragedy making sure those who choose to parent are ready, willing and taught what parenting really is. For those who say it’s not for them, respect and acceptance should be the reaction.


June 17th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

Father’s Day Lament

It’s here again: the one day a year all father’s are supposed to be honored. Yet, how many men are in torment because their own children have thrown them out like a piece of garbage? How many men suffer in silence for all the unfulfilled promises about being adored by their children forever? How many children are selfish, whining, demanding and dismissive to dedicated fathers doing the best they could do? Too many. Too many.

Are there any men out there who can step up to the plate and share how disappointing parenting has been and why? I’m asking for fathers who have done the best they could do and have received nothing in return from their children.

Just as with Mother’s day, Father’s day can be a pronatal nightmere.

June 7th, 2011 by Marcia Davis

The Duggers;warm, happy family or pronatal nightmere?

This AM, there they were again. The Duggers sat with their 19 children. Each child sat with smiles plastered across their faces and not even squirming! Jim-Bob, the father of this huge brood, announced his oldest son and daughter in law couldn’t be there because she was due with their second grandchild.

When asked by Matt Lauer if they all wanted large families, it was unanimously “yes” for those who knew what he was asking. The younger children just sat, smiled and never moved.

So, I ask you, is this the portrait of the joys of a huge family, or a pronatalistic nightmere? Of course they have the right to make their own choices about procreation. (Remember, their religious beliefs add to their goals. )However, why does media constantly embrace this family? Why are millions watching their TV series? Is it amazement, jealousy or just skeptical distrust of how they are portrayed?