Childfree Reflections

With Marcia Drut-Davis
January 9th, 2012 by Marcia Davis

Beyonce’s New Baby!

Blue Ivy is here. That’s the new child’s name of rapper JZ and Beyonce. Although Hollywood still makes every new baby of any movie or rock star more important than the second coming of Christ, here are some important facts as told to the press: Lenox Hill Hospital had to redecorate her wing and install bullet-proof glass to the tune of 1.3 million big ones. Anyone attending the neonatal unit had to leave for at least 20 minutes to allow JZ and Beyonce complete privacy. This meant parents of severly challenged infants who may have lost the last precious minutes of their child’ s life! The personal home of this couple added a complete nursey with, I’m guessing, around the clock staff for mother, father and child.

Ah yes! Just like other couples or single women choosing to have a child. Look at how people will swoon over Blue Ivy? How many more people will be lured by all the fuss and excitement to claim their own bundle of joy? Sadly, how many won’t have the resources or abilities to parent well? Pronatalism lives on!


One Response to “Beyonce’s New Baby!”
  1. Good blogging!

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